Do you want to get into acting school? Or maybe you have a major theatre audition?

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Linda Taimre

An instructor with a unique background

  • Linda Taimre

    Lead Instructor

    Linda Taimre

    Linda Taimre is an experienced instructor and coach with a unique background: not only did she train at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, but she also has a degree in psychology. It's this combination of performance and psychology that makes Linda's coaching special. Her extensive acting experience in the UK and Australia means she knows the ins and outs of theatre and speaking on stage. Her psychology training means she understands the inner workings of personality and how people think. She uses both elements of her training to help students create emotionally truthful and engaging work with confidence, clarity, and skill.


What they say about Linda's teaching

"Linda... was really the find of the year. She was warm & friendly, although had authority and a great insight. I can say that it is thanks to Linda's great tuition, our daughters have... increased their confidence [and] passed all their auditions. Her warm up techniques, confidence building tips... have been invaluable. I would recommend Linda in a flash to anyone!" --- Sarah Ehrlich, Belgium

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